You can now listen to the seventh episode of the second season of “The untold history”, The Hispanic Council’s podcast to get to know great Spanish figures in the History of the United States. In this new episode we talk about Bernardo de Gálvez.

Bernardo de Gálvez is not only one of the most notable Spaniards of the 18th century, but he is also one of the main figures of the earliest history of the United States of America. It is not by chance how his portrait hangs on one of the walls of the US Capitol in Washington DC. He has also been named US Honorary Citizen, a merit that he shares with 6 people like Winston Churchill or Mother Teresa.

In 1776, De Galvez was sent to America as interim governor of Louisiana and from that position he began a decisive collaboration to the independence of the United States.


You can listen to the sixth episode of the second season here:

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